Posts by Shane Machon
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Shane leads 12d Synergy’s marketing and growth. In the wild, Shane is a shameless Meatloaf fan (both the singer and the food), with an obsession equally for the great outdoors and great spreadsheets.
Designing Great Workflows

Designing Great Workflows

All businesses have a range of workflows. Some are highly efficient and optimised, others are error-prone, resource-wasting and frustrating. Poor workflows typically have too...

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Are You GDA2020 Ready?

Are You GDA2020 Ready?

Watch: GDA2020 & Dynamic Datums   Do you work with spatial information? Are you aware of the shift to GDA2020? Here’s what you need to know about GDA2020. The Big Shift...

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Reviewing the 2018 12d Technical Forum

Reviewing the 2018 12d Technical Forum

The 12d Technical Forum for 2018 has come and gone – and what a huge success it was! For three days and two nights the 12d team hosted 538 delegates in sunny Brisbane at the...

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